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Exit Series Surprise

Outside, a thunderstorm has slowly gained momentum and I, unbeknownst to its advances, step out of a bookstore realizing I am not carrying an umbrella. I have been walking the city, examining and observing it. A few blocks down from the bookstore C and I get caught in the storm and I, having a laptop in my bag, run the rest of the way home. I am soaked anyway.

Dried and changed I watch the rest of the storm sitting by my window with a hot cup of tea. Of course I’m also working on the side. It is from here I witness something I have only seen a handful of times in my life. It is something I always find a little odd, but somehow also peaceful. Outside the rain is pouring steadily downwards. No wind disturbs the flow to create sheets of water. (This happens a lot in Delhi.) However, what’s odd and surprising is that there are no clouds and the sun shines undisturbed. I have rarely ever seen it rain like this with clear skies and the sun out while it’s raining. When it rains in Delhi, and also when it rains here in Pennsylvania, the sky is almost always some shade of overcast or grey or dark and cloudy. The sun may or may not come out after the rain clouds have dispersed. But pouring rain without any clouds? It seems to me to be extremely rare but to notice it when it happens is a beautiful sight. A welcome surprise on an otherwise wet day.

This post is part of Exit Series.

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